About Perennial Pollinator Wildflower Mix
20 Varieties
Seed Type Rosesu Exclusive
Discover our Perennial Pollinator Mix—a blend of beauty and sustainability! Once established, perennials offer years of beauty with minimal maintenance, requiring less watering, fertilizing, and weeding. They attract pollinators, enhancing your landscape with more winged visitors and providing a habitat for various wildlife. This mix fosters a diverse and resilient ecosystem while remaining beautiful and cost-effective.
What to Expect: In the first season after planting the All Perennial Wildflower Mix, you may see only a few blooms; this is normal. Perennials typically show limited germination initially, but will reach their full blooming potential in the following growing season.
MIX Contents 100% Perennial: Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Shasta Daisy, Black Eyed Susan, Sweet William Pinks, Purple Coneflower, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Blue Flax, Iceland Poppy, New England Aster, Swamp Milkweed Carmine, Red Yarrow, Alyssum Basket of Gold, Maximilian Sunflower, Lavender, Maltese Cross, Gayfeather, Bee Balm, Oregano, Rocky Mountain Penstemon. Mix contents are subject to change.